SoFloPoJo - now in our ninth year.

Poetry, Essays, Flash Fiction, 

& Poetry Performance/Spoken Word Videos

We read year-round and publish quarterly:

                  Feb, May, Aug, Nov 

(issue submission deadlines six weeks prior to publication)

Response time: four months or less.

Please review the submission guidelines on our website:

During  2021-2024 we averaged a 4% acceptance rate

for poems submitted to our quarterly open calls.

The Maureen Seaton Poetry Prize - 2025

is open for submissions 

now through December 31, 2024

We are currently accepting poetry review submissions at SoFloPoJo.   If you have something you think we’d be interested in, please send it our way. Or, if you have an in-progress idea on which you’d like a bit of feedback, we’d love to hear from you.   Reviews of upcoming or recent work preferred for individual books and anthologies. Reviews of a new book by an author within a retrospective of their previous books and an overview of the publishing trends of a particular publishing house will also be considered. 

Approximate word count of up to 1,500 words with a balance of reviewer's observations and generous samples of the poetry from the reviewed work. Unfortunately, we are not able to pay contributors.  By submitting to SoFloPoJo you attest that your submission is your original unpublished work and you have read and agreed to the submission guidelines on the South Florida Poetry Journal website.

Please review the submission guidelines on our website:
 Please upload up to three (3) poems as one (1) document.  Please DO NOT include your name in or on the document containing the poems. Please remember to submit early.

 We are proud to have published work from Samuel Ace, Yalda Al-Ani, Richard Blanco, Akhim Yuseff Cabey, Jim Daniels, Denise Duhamel, Cornelius Eady, Joseph Fasano, Joanna Fuhrman, Robin Gow, Kathleen Hellen, David Kirby, Koss, Allison Joseph, Maureen Seaton, Virgil Suarez, David Trinidad, & many more. We are pleased to have published poets from all over the world.

 By submitting to SoFloPoJo you attest that your submission is your original unpublished work and you have read and agreed to the submission guidelines on the South Florida Poetry Journal website.

We are currently accepting essay submissions at SoFloPoJo - South Florida Poetry Journal.
We’re looking for essays, personal, lyric, & otherwise, related to life in the arts. (We interpret this very broadly!) Highly technical craft essays are not a good fit for us. If you have something you think we’d be interested in, send it our way. Or, if you have an in-progress idea on which you’d like a bit of feedback, we’d love to hear from you. We’re excited about working with new and published essayists alike.
We publish approximately two essays in each issue. Check our website to read what we’ve published:
Approximate word count of up to 1,500 words. Unfortunately, we are not able to pay contributors.
By submitting to SoFloPoJo you attest that your submission is your original unpublished work and you have read and agreed to the submission guidelines on the South Florida Poetry Journal website.
Deadline is subject to change.

Thank you for thinking of SoFloPoJo as an opportunity to showcase your work. We are looking for Flash Fiction submissions generally up to 750 words. (Contact the FLASH Editor for exceptions) One story,  one submission per reading period, one file per submission, simultaneous submissions allowed, please withdraw your piece if it is accepted elsewhere.
We like flash fiction that inspires, stimulates, evokes, emotes, shocks, and surprises. We want to be transported by your words to wondrous and strange places, and familiar places that you have made new. Please send us your best work. Seriously, your best.
By submitting to SoFloPoJo you attest that your submission is your original unpublished work and you have read and agreed to the submission guidelines on the South Florida Poetry Journal website.
Francine Witte, SoFloPoJo Flash Fiction Editor

SoFloPoJo seeks performed poetry for our video page. Please send us your best. We are looking for great content, well performed. Whether you emote to the rafters or invite us to tea, memorize your piece, free your words and your eyes from the page, get your film school friends to help, maybe even add a musical score, and please submit your spellbinding videos. Preferably 5 minutes or less, no longer than 10 minutes at the most.
By submitting to SoFloPoJo you attest that your submission is your original unpublished work and you have read and agreed to the submission guidelines on the South Florida Poetry Journal website.

SoFloPoJo - South Florida Poetry Journal